Why wouldn't I just buy brand names at my local retailer or big box store?

IMRA member factories provide the newest and latest product models shipped directly from the factory – you're not getting whatever is left on the shelf. You're also getting nationally-recognized, full-featured model #'s, not a sku that has been created for a warehouse club or other discounter. Because the manufacturer's representative is on their marketing and sales team, they can provide competitive product comparisons, product demographics and other helpful information.

Do I pay to work with a rep? Do they mark up the products?

No and no! Reps are contracted by the factories to sell their brands in a given territory. Because the rep is commissioned by the factory, they can provide services to you at no charge.

How do I get merchandise images to promote my program or event?

Your rep has access to all of the latest product photography.

Can brand name merchandise be imprinted?

Some can; it will depend on the brand and particular product of interest. Your IMRA rep can answer these questions and provide suggestions as to products that meet all of the needs of your project or program.

What if I need special services like personalized enclosure cards or batched billing?

Many factories offer these and other services; other times these services are provided by National Marketing Coordinators that handle these services for multiple brands. Your IMRA rep can point you to the right resource.

Can IMRA help me design and structure an Incentive Program?

Yes! You can contact IMRA and we'll connect you with an Incentive Professional or Certified Professional of Incentive Management who can provide assistance.

Is there a cost to working with IMRA suppliers or national marketing companies? Will I have to sign a contract or make any commitments?

No. IMRA is an association of professional manufacturers, national marketing companies and their representatives who are dedicated to providing brand name merchandise to the corporate channel. There are no additional costs beyond the price of merchandise and services such as freight or fulfillment charges to tap into the expertise which IMRA members provide.

How do I arrange for eCommerce solutions or electronic product feeds for my customers or programs?

Your local IMRA representative will assess your needs and point you to the appropriate resource.

Where can I find case studies or other research to prove the value of merchandise to my customers or management?

In the Business Resources section of this website, you'll find a wide variety of research materials and studies on many subjects addressing the use of rewards and incentives for employees and customers. Additional information can be found on our parent organization site:

Can anyone join IMRA?

IMRA is dedicated to a focus on brand name merchandise as the vehicle to improve business. Our purpose is to promote the highest professional standards of interaction between representative and manufacturer members thereby contributing to the growth, understanding and excellence of the Incentive Industry. To see whether your company qualifies for IMRA membership, click here.